Data Collection Device(DCD)
DCD is a sensor node that hosts many sensors and perform the measurement of Luminous, Atmosphere Temperature and Humidity, Soil Temperature and Humidity and Soil Electrical conductivity. These measured data are sent to the Data Aggregator Device periodically over LoRa RF interface. The RF range is around 15Kms.
- FCC compliant
- International capability
- Modular/Plug & Play
- SPI (Dendrometers) X 2
- RS485 (Soil probes) X 2
- I2C (Temp/humidity, Lux ) X 4
- Simplified connectors to maximize durability
Power management:
- Maximize battery life
- Eliminate waste from passive components
- Shut off power as completely as possible in sleep mode
Solar Charger:
- Healthy SV power from solar panels
- Reliable
- Fast
- Simple / low power